How The Chef Saucerer Paid For Wanger's Ukraine Adventure.

The Chef's business model in Africa rhymes with the mechanism through which Indo-European languages spread from Ancient Ukraine westwards as far as Ireland and eastwards as far as India.
One language family spread as a byproduct of the spread of Chiefly Services by Ancient Ukrainian Charioteers/Poet-Priests.
Step 1: Wanger offers materiel (armoured vehicles and fighter jets) to African heads of state. And the means of manning and fixing them. Always with priority provisioning from the Ruschist State. Wanger is selling a whole complex system of martial services. Like Bronze Age Charioteers offering a whole complex to Steppe patriarchs.
Step 2: Expert Disinfolklore services to secure re-election and protection of mandates of leaders. Wanger is selling a whole complex system of Chiefly / Monarchichal / Disinfolklore services.
Wanger here in Africa accidentally mimics the way Bronze Age religious ideologists from Ancient Ukraine and Kazakhstan accompanied the Charioteers and offered add-on services, which eventually included accidentally unifying the language family spoken between Ireland and India as a byproduct.
Bronze Age charioteers and religious ideologists offered local kings a surefire system to keep the crops growing, community cohesion, and community prosperity aflowing: sacrifice to Sky Father (dyeus pater). This Indo-European religious core replaced the Old European model of worshipping mostly female deities.
And it evolved into all the great Indo-European religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity:
And eventually, these ideologies evolved into democracy, and the post-WWII legal architecture that protects human rights and territorial integrity as a matter of law.
Wanger Chef's political ideological system is Russia's authoritarian system.
Though of course Wanger soldiers DO sacrifice to Odin, the Germanic self-sacrificing first king and Lord of Death / the Dead for whom Wednesday (whodhanaz / Woten / Woden) is named. Wanger picks up this stuff from the Wanger Operas.
Odin fulfils the Magico-Religious function of Sovereignty in the Indo-European tripartite division of society and the Gods (Sovereign, Warrior, Farmer).
Odin is the God of trolls, trolling, and emotionally resonant manipulating Disinfolklore.
So, in a way, by branching into selling African leaders a whole system to keep themselves in power and keep the populations zombified, Wanger Chef, supported by the Chief Sorcerer Putin, already is embedding Odin into Africa.
Wanger Chef though gets paid in mining concessions (50% beneficially held by his Master - the Chief Sorcerer Putin).
The Chef Saucerer is the Chief Sorcerer's alchemist - this is what Russia "experts" miss about the ABSOLUTE primacy of the Chief Master Sorcerer Putin's relationship with the Chef Saucerer Apprentice - the Alchemist.
Wanger was the first to create an industrial gold mine in Central African Republic.
Containers of gold and diamonds.
Enough to pay his Master the Chief Sorcerer Putin his 50% AND to pay for Wanger Nazi forces in Ukraine - always though with priority provisioning from the Ruschist State.
Not conquering anywhere in Ukraine means Wanger has made its contribution with no return.
You win some. You lose some.
Thus the Exit.
That's one theory anyhow.
⚡️Minsk III Solves Sorcerer Putin's Plight - For Now.

One sole Russia "expert" remains unbrainwashed by internal Russian Disinfolklore OR by Russian Disinfolklore focussed on confusing foreign Russia "experts."
@iponomarev gets the essential structure of the Chef Saucerer and the Chief Sorcerer Putin's relationship and plight:
The Chef is Putin Sorcerer's Chief Apprentice and Putin, the Master, was not yet ready to give the Chef the reins to reign over All The Russians.
How to escape this bind? Fortunately the Chef Saucerer has an opportunity to conquer vast territories in Africa and continue to deliver vast containers of gold and diamonds to his Master Putin.
Yet, the Master's project in Ukraine depended on the Chef Saucerer who needed a way out.
But how to convince his Master that Wanger Nazi's abandonment of Ukraine was non-negotiable?
A plight, to be sure.
Thus, a coup with a certain amount of improvisation.
This Plight of the Sorcerer is a perennial problem:
When the Apprentice wants to make their own way in the world, while the Master Sorcerer needs their Apprentice, how do they manage to part ways without one destroying the other?
Ilya gets (as I did in a post below👇🏽) that the optimum way out of the Sorcerer's Plight is set out in the Mahābhārata:
"In the Mahābhārata, the deal is made:
The Demons free the Apprentice from the Master Sorcerer's stomach, without killing the Master Sorcerer.
And, both the Master Magister Magi Sorcerer Putin and the Apprentice Chef Saucerer honour their agreement."
With Minsk III Agreement we now have a stable compromise between the Chef Saucerer and Chief Sorcerer.
The question now is:
Will the strong bond between the Chef Apprentice and the Magister Master Putin withstand Machiavellian intrigues AND Ukraine's imminent military victory?
Putin didn't have any choice but to take the gamble, as the Chef Saucerer made it clear yesterday that when he had told his Master that he was leaving Ukraine with his Wanger Army intact, he meant it.
There was no power on earth or in heaven which would take the Chef's Wanger army from him.
In the Mahābhārata, the Master and the Apprentice's Minsk III compromise is honoured, permanently.
Let's see how this hypermodern manifestation of the Sorcerer's Plight turns out.
Putin's cunning plan anyway has backfired: No-one blinked yesterday at the thought of the Wanger Nazi Chef taking over from the Putin Nazi.
The Chief Sorcerer Master had counted on the world panicking at his savage Apprentice taking over Russia.
Instead, there was a certain degree of jubilation.
When faced with one Ruschist Nazi like Putin Sorcerer (who has been threatening nuclear annihilation and killed millions already), another Russian Wanger Nazi (the Sorcerer's Apprentice) made NO difference to any of us except in this regard:
The Wanger Chef was likely to withdraw all Russia's troops from Ukraine sooner than his Master.
But this is a small matter as:
Ukraine will expel them soon, the Master Sorcerer will be killed, and the Chef Saucerer, having proven himself, will take over Ruschia in time anyhow.
So this means everyone in the Russian power vertical from Putin down to the merest tea deliverer in an FSB office or State troll farm better keep on the Chef Saucerer's good side (see the Civil Servant's New Dilemma:
So expect stasis in Russia as everyone tries to sit on two chairs at once, until Ukraine prevails, and expels Russia from 100% of its land.
P.S. Russia "experts" who yesterday were surprised by the coup, today are minimising it - here's why:
Alas, they don't understand the supreme primacy of the relationship between the Sorcerer and the Chef Saucerer Apprentice - The Chef's Disinfolklore saucery delivered Brexit, Trump, and Africa to Putin, nor do they have the deep cultural depth to get beyond the Masks and Mirrors.
Mr Ponomarev alone gets this stuff intuitively.