⚡️Donald’s Mass Illusion
Today, Disinfolklore is the dominant mode of communicating “news” across our civilisation.
Disinfolklore’s stories affect our Moods/Intentions/Motivations and Attitudes towards everything.
We see Donald as a player because we’ve fallen for the troll.
Vance is Silicon Valley Venture Capital’s foot-soldier.
His job is to prevent the secondary sanctions that would necessitate the unwinding of thousands of VC funds containing $trillions of Ruschia’s wealth.
It’s that simple.
Donald has graduated from monopolising our view of Manhattan celebrity through trolling Page 8 of the New York Post into dominating our perspective on virtually every aspect of reality today. It’s a mesmerising journey. I admire the chutzpah. But not on my dime. Not at the cost of Western civilisation.
Disinfolklore began as a niche pursuit in New York real estate circles.
Today, it is the only hope for these fearful VCs and the Axis of Misogyny (Christians, Iran, China, child-stealing Putler’s Russkiy Mir troll). Of all those fighting to turn our world into Handmaid’s Tale.
Today, Donald’s nonsense dominates the fears of billions of humans, through the medium of Disinfolklore communicated as “news.”
It’s in everyone’s minds. Yet, it’s an illusion.
Donald’s oligarch and oligarch-funded controllers propagate Disinfolklore (stories that purposefully and strategically affect our Moods/Attitudes/Intentions/Motivations).
We consume their relentless Disinfolklore and even propagate it ourselves, through energetic trolls about this or that fear we’re in that moment experiencing.
We’re emotionally paralysed by these infectious fears.
Then, we transmit them onwards, and consume our victims’ fears, as if in a global scale Hall of Mirrors.
We therefore fail to see how, for example, Donald’s fake popularity is an illusion.
We’re focussed on the shadow play not the actual reality: he’s a washed-up actor propped up by stagehands and oligarchs who want our souls (and to enslave our children).
We are now today inside a mass Disinfolklore-created illusion in which an adjudicated rapist with 34 felony convictions who participated in a coup against the United States is “popular.” LoL: don’t fall for this troll. The illusion of popularity is the substance of Donald’s popularity.
Beware the notion of democracy itself is being hacked through the medium of Disinfolklore.
The illusionists want us to substitute “what’s reported as popular in the news” (Disinfolklore) for what we vote for and for what is Right.
He’s trying to upend what is Right and Truthful and replace it with what is Not Right and Not Truth.
Disinfolklore is the means of achieving this diabolical feat (crowd size Disinfolklore is his go-to means).
When Donald declares it doesn’t matter whom we vote for and that he doesn’t even want our votes, Donald and his oligarchic controllers are constructing a myth about ourselves within our own minds. It’s an illusionists’ trick.
Without amplification by those who use him as a means to their oligarchic and Handmaid’s Tale America ends, you would easily see through the illusion.
Boasting he’ll round up 20m Americans and deport them dares our own mental model of what’s possible to recalibrate itself against the illusion that he can do such a thing.
It’s saying: “See how awful I am. See how you will obey me. The doubt in your mind that I shall do this and that you will March In Step is evidence of my power over you.”
Outside the illusion (created by and communicated through State of the Art Disinfolklore available through every sensory channel on the Interweb and even through the words of people who, until quite recently, were sensible and resistant) Kamala is truly popular.
Voting does matter.
Donald is overly made-up. A sad, scared, demented out of work actor propped up by similar people afraid of what will happen when they’re in jail.
Never lose sight of this. The onslaught we’re experiencing is unprecedented.
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