According to the January 6th indictment which charged Trump with, among other crimes, conspiracy to defraud the United States:
“On December 19, 2020, after cultivating widespread anger and resentment for weeks with his knowingly false claims of election fraud, the Defendant urged his supporters to travel to Washington on the day of the certification proceeding, tweeting, “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Throughout late December, he repeatedly urged his supporters to come to Washington for January 6.”
That “will be wild” online post was interpreted by the United States congressional January 6th inquiry committee as performing the role of “summoning the mob” (“Summoning” means literally accessing the Mana (orthographically represented as “Moni”) inside the mob’s minds, and implanting the intention) to travel to the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power from Trump to President Biden on 6th January 2021. As the vice Chairperson Liz Cheney put it:
“President Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack.”
Act One of the one hundred and fifty one acts justifying “Count 1” included in the complementary racketeering Indictment of Trump by the State of Georgia was:
“On or about the 4th day of November 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP made a nationally televised speech falsely declaring victory in the 2020 presidential election.”
Between then and the “will be wild!” message of December 19th 2020 Trump had repeated his false allegation that the election had been “stolen.” Here, the former elected commander in chief of the sovereignty function in America Trump is still, after losing the election to be re-elected as sovereign, purporting to exercise the right to determine what is right.
His “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) cult of supporters still acknowledge his sovereignty over them. And so when he speaks, they accept Trump’s words as “truth” even when he communicates falsehoods - by one forensic account, Trump lied over twenty-two-thousand times while he was president.
It is as if Trump, failed candidate for the post of Chef of Disinfolklore, is the monarch in a færy tale MAGAland whose declarations have the force (Mana) of writ (law) in the minds of those who accept his authority to determine “truth,” “truthiness,” and what is fake.
As Altemeyer found on the psychology of those high on the Writ Wing Authoritarian psych scale:
In Counter Disinfolklore instead of treating Trump’s word as infallible, we have a different standard for determining truth: the law.
On top of previously repeated messaging telling his fans, falsely, that their right to elect the president of the United States had been thwarted, these supporters already deficient reasoning capacity - due to their low Conscientiousness and high Neuroticism, once their emotions are triggered Trump’s trolls can easily manipulate their Mana - was almost completely disabled. Then, the bogus solutions to the false allegation that the election had violated their fundamental right to select the president of the United States, namely, a “Big Protest” to the election results which had resulted in the free and fair election of President Biden.
Then on 5th and 6th January 2021 Trump issued a large number of messages online which were read by millions of those who already believed Trump’s false accusations about voter fraud were true. These consumers of Trump’s lies had been groomed by two months of repeated false allegations that the election had been stolen - in Dalai Lama / Ekman terms, they were already triggered.
Trump’s messages all contained the same “Mana:” the triggering false allegation that the election had been stolen from the American public who constitute the republic of the United States of America. Trump’s truth-, mind- and reality-bending Mana was communicated via multiple different examples of Disinfolklore. Here are just five of the vast numbers of false statements the World’s Sorest Loser Ever had made in his attempt to become unelected sovereign of the United States. These acts were listed in one of the indictments issued against Trump for his crimes against democracy:
1. 11:06 a.m., “The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.” This was within 40 minutes of the Defendant’s earlier reminder, “See you in D.C.”
2. At 5:05 p.m., “Washington is being inundated with people who don’t want to see an election victory stolen .... Our Country has had enough, they won’t take it anymore! We hear you (and love you) from the Oval Office.”
3. At 5:43 p.m., “I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern. BIG CROWDS!”
4. At 8:17 a.m., the Defendant issued a Tweet that falsely stated, “States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!”
5. At 4:17 p.m., the Defendant released a video message on Twitter that he had just taped in the White House Rose Garden. In it, the Defendant repeated the knowingly false claim that “[w]e had an election that was stolen from us.”
By the end of January 6th 2021 at least two-thousand Americans had been triggered into committing criminal acts for which they would face court. Trump’s rhetoric had trolled over two thousand people into breaking the law to make good on his false claims of electoral fraud. That is the power of Disinfolklore, especially when it is targeted at those who, like most fervent Trump supporters, are classified by psychologists as low conscientious and highly neurotic. This propensity means they are unlikely to verify the false statements by those whom they accept as authorities - in this case Trump. And, being highly neurotic, they are susceptible already to believing the world conspires against them personally. Trump finds these personality inventories particularly easy to troll into behaviour which ultimately ends up getting them convicted of crimes.
I mention these details as it is important to demystify the apparently magical ability Trump manifests to transfer emotions between his mind and others. In another sense, what Trump achieves by exploiting these aspects of what it means to be human is completely understandable. It is not magic. It is mechanical.
Trump is merely accessing, through his assertions of what is the truth (often on his own social media platform that he calls “Truth Social”), others’ Mana. He reprogrammes his supporters’ Mana so that they do, on his behalf, outrageous acts (like storming the Capitol on January 6th, 2021). And once we understand how this process works, we see it is not right to ascribe “magical” powers to Trump.
Let’s apply (again) the Dalai Lama / Ekman “Timeline of Emotions” model to visualise chronologically what is going on in our minds when we are reading a media article on, say, Outer Realm immigrants seeking to enter the Inner Realm of our community.
First, then is the Trigger (mere mention of immigration in a culture prepared to see immigrants as a threat to cultural sovereignty, security, and sustainability).
Second, we Experience, because of this Trigger, certain emotions. In this example the emotions the populist politician (and their media enablers) has programmed us to experience are fear, disgust, and/or anger.
Third, we React to the experience of this emotion by feeling a need to be saved. Suddenly immigration seems the cause of a mental disharmony. And it is at this moment the populist politician will offer some (usually bogus) “solution” to the negative feelings they have trolled us into experiencing.
In everyday life this routine (Trigger, Experience, Reaction) can be used to model what is going on in our minds almost all the time. There are overlapping triggers, experiences, and our reactions in a vast ever flowing concatenation of interventions in our mindstream. Usually, we muddle through our lives without applying such a model. And we live successfully without needing to focus on our emotional hygiene. Now because Russian Disinfolklore, which integrates this routine into almost every instance we can detect of it, has disrupted our community life to such an amazing extent, it is worthwhile learning how to spot this routine (Trigger, Experience, Reaction) so that we can take back control of our minds from nefarious manipulators.
Continues here:
For orientation purposes: This is the II episode of Chapter Two of Disinfolklore - a new analytical method for parsing Disinformation:
And continued from:
Series begins here:
Counter Disinfolklore
27 AUGUST 2023