Conscious Counter Disinfolkloring!
Chapter Two - Episode XX: Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic
Our enchanted journey into and through Chapter Two of Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic continues to unfurl!
If a conscious Disinfolklorist like Bannon, Donald, Putler (or their minions) knows us personally or simply know what our personality type is (we will learn about how useful the OCEAN personality inventory method is in determining, for example, that most extreme Donald supporters are high on Neuroticism and low on Conscientiousness personality inventory scale (the N and the C in the OCEAN acronym) in a later chapter), they can be sure that we will react to that emotional experience in a certain manner.
When someone we truly love and who truly loves us tries to manipulate us in this way, nine times out of ten surrendering to their trolling of our emotions is a Good Thing. They’re being strategic, sure. But they are not trying to induce us into supporting the genocide of Ukrainians, for example.
An advertiser hopes that after experiencing calmness of remembering the beach, the jolt towards worrying about the safety of our possessions will provoke in us an immediate impulse to buy their house insurance. This may or may not be a Good Thing. Generally speaking, when advertisers are using our emotions to trigger us into buying their products, it is not a Good Thing but most advertisers aren’t inducing us to support or promote, say, the genocide of Ukrainians or family separation policies or the deportation of millions of Americans!
Russian (and other forms of) War Magic (a term we use to distinguish non-genocide or territorial expansion promoting Disinfolklore from mere commercial advertising) does indeed work in a very similar way to state of the art advertising. And in Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic we will learn to spot Incoming Trolls in real time (we will sharpen our Incoming Troll Radar and our Outgoing Troll Radar).
We will also get better at parsing the data we are receiving through visual, mental, auditory and other means for the intended meaning of its originator (we look for the Mana of the author of the troll that is nestled in the messaging). And most importantly in Counter Disinfolklore we learn how to counter such attempts at emotional manipulation and reflexive control.
Disinfolklore is a hyper modern way for conveying emotions between us. Disinfolklore uses trolls wrapped up inside engaging stories with stereotypical characters in common-or-garden settings. Emotional contagion describes the way feelings run between us - when you get angry (the trigger), I get angry (my experience), and we argue (the response). Or when you get angry (the trigger), I feel enjoyment (my experience), and I gloat (my response). Or when you get angry, I feel fear, and I imagine you leaving. Or when you get angry and I feel disgust, I belittle you.
Disinfolklore transmits triggers which arouse our emotions - anger, fear, disgust, sadness, enjoyment. We respond to these triggered emotions, in particular ways, some of which we find it hard to control.
Disinfolklorists saturate us with a variety of emotions which provoke our emotional confusion into which they can inject their own ideal responses. For example, a counter Disinfolklorist with domain knowledge about Russian Disinfolklore will spot inside any Disinfolklore whose meaning is the following that it ultimately emanates from Russian information warfare operations:
“If we interfere with Russia’s genocide in Ukraine (the trigger), there will be “World War Three” (which is the shorthand in Russian Disinfolklore for “nuclear armageddon”)”.
Such a Disinfolklore tale might even paint a graphic picture of your city or town being targeted by a hypersonic missile with a nuclear war head. So, you experience fear. And your response, the Disinfolklorist hopes, will be to halt any effort you are contemplating to help Ukraine resist Russian genocide.
On the other hand, a Russian might consume this threat of nuclear annihilation of the Outer Realm with enjoyment. They have learned, through their Disinfolklore, to believe the rest of Europe wants to destroy Russia. They feel weak in their own situation where they have little power in their job or home life. The idea that the country to which they belong has the means of destroying with a missile another country can, through Disinfolklore, in time provoke in them enjoyment, rather than abhorrence as it might someone immune to such Disinfolklore. But as you become a better counter Disinfolklorist, you will learn to spot the intention behind such stories.
Here, two Irish newspapers with no intention to repeat Russian Disinfolklore end up doing so - note how in Counter Disinfolklore we look for the Mana in the meme not the mens rea (intention) of the propagate as traditional definitions of the distinction between mere misinformation (unintentionally distributed manipulative Disinfolklore) and Disinformation (intentionally propagated Disinfolklore).
These Irish newspapers haplessly even reprint graphics meant to illustrate the Russian-sourced meme about threatening nuclear war that originate din Russia - Russian Disinfolklorists are very helpful - they know their market and if they outrageously produce a video of say Santa being shot down 24 hours after Ruschia shots down an Azeri airliner this will change the conversation and we will share the good to go meme.
In these cases, it might well be worth reprinting (though note how when I consciously propagate Disinfolklore, I try to mark it as such - in this case by drawing all over it) these front pages, at the risk of spreading Russian Disinfolklore, solely to illustrate how we can see immanent in the end product the Mana of Russian Disinfolklorists.
This illustrates a wider point of huge significance in learning to spot Disinfolklore. Often you can identify the Mana in the thing (in this case these front pages showing nuclear attacks on Ireland) as being so unusual that it inspires you to work backwards to identify it as Russian Disinfolklore. This practice of working backwards and reading the intention in the thing (the mens rea as they say in English criminal law) is more of an art than a science. Nevertheless, it is necessary to master consciously if we aspire to becoming a master counter Disinfolklorist.
I was a guest on
recently. Great reaction to our chat about, among other things, Disinfolklore’s origins in Herder’s insight that led to the unification of (some of) the Germanic peoples - 50,000 people watched and 3,000 people ‘Liked’ what they heard of our conversation:Continued from:
Incoming Troll Radar!
Chapter Two - Episode XIX: Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic
First in series:
You are a Tiger, thank You 🥰
Thank you 🙏