Last night in Detroit President Biden likens Donald’s campaign to a “Made Up novel.”
President Biden says Donald’s moniker for those convicted of Jan 6 crimes “hostages” is like “a Bad Færy Tale.”
He intuitively gets what I teach in
Authoritarians use certain tropes / trolls / informational units to induce the emotion of fear into the minds of their traumatised and cowering supporters.
Once afraid, almost any solution can be injected (like bleach?) into the minds of those the authoritarian is manipulating.
Afraid of the Big Bad Covid?
Surrender to it! You’ll feel much better.
No worries. Let’s go for Herd Immunity.
Catch Covid to be immune to Covid.
That’s why today we’re in a perpetual wave of Covid.
It never made any sense. But we were afraid. And so in early 2020 authoritarians like Trump sold us a bogus solution that’s in fact perpetuated what we were afraid of.
Donald, like all authoritarians, is a master at Disinfolklore.
Think of how the abused child grows up to abuse their spouse.
They get caught up in a cycle of abuse. Stockholm Syndrome.
Donald, emotionally abused as a child, through linguistic violence, delivered through Disinfolklore (stories that create in the minds of its consumers the emotion of fear), abuses his supporters.
They are aroused by the care Donald invests into making them tremble.
Project 2025 and Donald’s Unified Reich are Disinfolklore, par excellence.
Masquerading as dry policy, Donald enfears his abuse hungry supporters with their tales of what he will do to us all if he gets a chance.
Their aim is to arouse submission in Donald’s abuse-hungry supporters.
This is how MAGA works:
President Biden emphasises Donald’s rambling about a fictional horror figure Hannibal Lecter.
Note how Donald’s Disinfolklore clumsily and purposefully mobilises fictional horror character to manifest his own self-portrayal as a pantomime villain.
Donald’s fear of sharks is legion.
And he mobilises the Jaws film image (eaten by a shark, while Donald a man-child playing a shark gets) to frighten his submission-eager supporters into an aroused state during.
President Biden’s Counter Disinfolklore belittles Donald’s deepest, primordial fear (of sharks consuming him).
Makes a joke of Donald’s rambling about being eaten by a shark.
Donald’s addled mind so afraid of going to prison (which he will, whether or not he wins the 2024 election) muddles metaphor “sharks” (courts, justice, the Right) with reality and babbles in metaphors, while communicating his own fear into the minds of those who support him.
“Vote for me or you, like I will if you don’t immunise me by electing me, will be consumed by sharks.”
Like the Covid, the truth is the bogus solution (voting for Donald - catching the Covid, injecting bleach) will actually induce what you fear most.
Disinfolklore is always about coercive control - see page one of Chapter One of “Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic” (clue is in the title’s “Controlling”!):
Disinfolklore appeals to those who act out their own trauma by abusing women.
The antidote to Disinfolklore is Counter Disinfolklore that belittles the Disinfolklorists.
President Biden totally gets this.
Donald “raped her” (judge’s words, not mine or President Biden’s).
This is fair game for President Biden.
Donald’s Disinfolklore involves visual images and speeches about his supposed sexual prowess.
Yet, in fact, he is a serial abuser of women.
Finally, the ultimate quality for Sovereigns in Indo-European communities since at least 2,500 BCE is Truthfulness (not Truthiness which is The Lie of a usurper who violated campaign finance laws to win an election (and 34 criminal convictions)).
I’ve written, as have many others, about this extensively:
President Biden, rightfully, is drawing attention to how Donald deliberately tries to turn The Lie into Truth (Donald’s Truths on his fake Russia-funded Twitter Truth Social are predominantly Lies).