⚡️Disinfolklore: Here Trump acts out the parts of the missile early warning system (‘ding, ding, ding’).
Trump, the raconteur, draws his audience inside the troll, along with him. We’re no longer spectators watching his performance. He brings us into the missile defence control room along with him.
The effect is to remove us from the Political Realm (where in democracies we have THE power), into the Entertainment Realm (where all we can do is watch the players controlling emotional journeys inside our minds - our Mana, our motivations, our intentions, our values are transformed through watching this acting out, this play).
Then, at the end Trump leaves the stage, and we the audience are still inside the troll he has created, or powerless to change our rulers, or both.
Reveals classified information (‘they’ve only got 17 seconds’).
Using a story-telling distancing technique that, uncharacteristically, places himself with the audience, and opposed to the missile defence system operators who are smart, not ‘muscle guys.’
The effect is to embed a set of mental routines in the mind of his In Real Life and online audience: ‘Live in fear, suckers. We only have seventeen seconds.’ Also has the effect of, in the moment, lulling his audience. Hitler used the same technique: Mass Hypnosis.
⚡️Disinfolklore: A Trump story
Mimicking voices of characters in a story is how Trump embeds fears in our minds. Instilling nightmares, through dialogue. Understanding how this Disinfolklore works, and how to counter it is my life’s work.
⚡️Trump’s Day: Attends court in Florida, hoping to discover which two of his advisers are new witnesses against him in the stollen secret documents case - third criminal indictment in that case imminent (prediction: so far Trump has only been charged with obstructing justice in the stollen documents case. Soon he will be charged with stealing the secret documents).
Meanwhile, in DC some powerful Republicans try to Take Back Control of their party from a bankrupt who has been found liable for rape.
P.S. Trump appoints his daughter-in-law as co-chair of his piggy bank - Republican National Committee (which only has $8m left in its bank after paying Trump’s legal bills and $13,000 a month for missing Melania’s hairdresser).
⚡️Bankrupt Trump publicly solicits election help from Ruschia, N Korea, China and Iran.
His only play in 2016, 2020 and again today is that the Axis of Misogyny saves him.
Naive supporters go on about NATO funding.
Is there any troll they won’t fall for?!
⚡️Trump warns ‘delinquent’ NATO states.
Trump’s filed for bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump doesn’t pay his own bills - he is the epitome of ‘delinquent’.
In fact, his family of companies was found liable for fraud by NY State.
This week judgment will be served, and Trump will be on the hook for around $500m.
⚡️Don’t be distracted by Trump’s NATO trolls.
In four criminal indictments, Trump faces 91 counts each of which carries years in prison as a punishment.
Aside from these cases, Trump was found liable for ra*ing a woman and slandering her. Repeatedly. He may well face criminal charges in this case, in addition to the $83m fine levied on him.
The Stormy Daniels case will be heard soon in NYC - Michael Cohen served time for election interference in this case already - Cohen was convicted of helping his co-conspirator (Trump) in this election interference case.
Additionally, over the next few days Trump and his children will be fined over $500m in a case where they and their company has ALREADY been found liable in a civil case - again criminal charges are likely to follow.
Don’t fall for Disinfolklore promoted by New Orc Times or those under Trump’s spell that he is anything other than a mob boss.
DC Appeals Court sits just under the US Supreme Court.
Here’s its judgment in the Federal Jan 6th case’s prosecution’s reference on the question of whether or not a former US President is immune from prosecution:
“Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States on November 8, 2016.
“He was sworn into office at noon on January 20, 2017, and served until his term expired at noon on January 20, 2021.
“At that moment, President Trump became former President Trump and his successor, Joseph R. Biden, became President and began his own four-year term. U.S. CoNST. art. II, § 1.
“Although this sequence is set by the Constitution, it did not proceed peacefully. Indeed, from election day 2020 forward, the government alleges that President Trump denied that he had lost his bid for a second term and challenged the election results through litigation, pressure on state and federal officers, the organization of an alternate slate of electors and other means.
“His alleged interference in the constitutionally prescribed sequence culminated with a Washington, D.C., rally held on January 6, 2021, the day set by the Electoral Count Act, 3 U.S.C. § 15(a), for the Congress to meet in joint session to certify the election results.
“The rally headlined by President Trump resulted in a march of thousands to the Capitol and the violent breach of the Capitol Building. The breach delayed the congressional proceedings for several hours and it was not until the early morning of January 7th that the 2020 presidential election results were certified, naming Joseph R. Biden as the soon-to-be 46th President.
“Since then, hundreds of people who breached the Capitol on January 6, 2021, have been prosecuted and imprisoned.
“And on August 1, 2023, in Washington, D.C., former President Trump was charged in a four-count Indictment as a result of his actions challenging the election results and interfering with the sequence set forth in the Constitution for the transfer of power from one President to the next.
“Former President Trump moved to dismiss the Indictment and the district court denied his motion. Today we affirm the denial. For the purpose of the criminal case, President Trump has become citizen Trump with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant.
“But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution.”
P.S. “Former President Trump does not challenge the district court's other holdings at this stage: (1) that "the First Amendment does not protect speech that is used as an instrument of a crime, and consequently the indictment - which charges [Trump] with, among other things, making statements in furtherance of a crime - does not violate [Trump]'s First Amendment rights.”
⚡️Redrafting NATO Art 5: Informational Warfare Must Trigger Armed Response.
After Nuremberg, where propagandists were jailed, Genocide Convention included a prohibition on ‘publicly and directly inciting genocide.’
Yet, @NATO Article 5 considers ONLY armed attacks.
We have been under sustained Informational Warfare attacks by Ruschia and interference in our political life since 2013.
Trump and Brexit are the fruits of Ruschia’s attempt to turn us into helpless victims unable to resist Ruschia’s Will to Genocide.
We must redraft Article 5 so that it reflects what we learned at and since Nuremberg: Information Warfare is as dangerous and part of the same system of attacks on our freedom as Ruschia’s armed attacks.
Ruschia’s military doctrine of Cross Domain Coercion uses the threat of using its nuclear arsenal as a deterrent for us to respond to its informational warfare attacks.
Ruschia floods our societies with Disinfolklore that’s aimed at destroying the post World War II legal order. Ruschia wants to destroy the UN Charter (territorial integrity of states, right of self-defence, right to help Ukraine’s self defence), Refugee, Genocide, Geneva, Human Rights, anti-discrimination on the grounds of sex or race legally enforceable conventions.
We must fight this Disinfolklore with fire, not mere words.
Redrafted Article :
Article 5
“The Parties agree that an armed or unarmed informational warfare attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed or unarmed informational warfare attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Disinfolklore: A New Analytical Method for Parsing Disinformation:
⚡️Trump Indicted for One Mistake:
Ancient Indo-European texts from Ireland, Iran, India and elsewhere coalesce around one eternal truth:
The primary quality Indo-European sovereigns MUST adhere to is telling the truth.
Putin, Boris Johnson, and now Trump have lost everything because of lying.
UK's house of Commons found Johnson had lied, and he resigned because of this finding.
Now in Trump Jan 6th insurrection indictment, paragraph 2:
"...for more than two months following election day on November 3, 2020, the Defendant spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won. These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that they were false. But the Defendant repeated and widely disseminated them anyway—to make his knowingly false claims appear legitimate, create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erode public faith in the administration of the election..."
Paragraph 4:
"...Each of these conspiracies—which built on the widespread mistrust the Defendant was creating through pervasive and destabilizing lies about election fraud..."
In the ancient Indian text known as the Mahabharata the Sovereign who would become Indian culture's Lord of Death had ruled entirely justly.
After death, though, Indra trolls him into a mental boast about how he the king had ruled more justly than any other king.
For that prideful lie the dead king was immediately expelled from heaven.
In Iran's ancient Avesta it is said of the future Lord of Death Yima (who corresponds to Odin in Germanic cultures - for whom our Wednesday is named):
"For a long time Yima holds the 'sovereign empire over all the lands,' and his reign, of untold prosperity, is protected by the *x'aranah, that mark of divine election which guarantees and expresses the legitimacy of a king. But one day he commits a sin. According to the single passage that mentions it in the remaining Avesta, the sin is lying: his extraordinary prosperity, Yast 19,33 says emphatically, lasted until 'he lied,' until he 'began to think the lying word, contrary to truth.'"
In ancient Ireland's earliest texts not only will a lying 🤥 monarch come a cropper, their entire kingdom will become a Waste Land of pestilence, starvation, and invasion. This is the origin of the Waste Land motif in Indo-European literature, which found its most known manifestations in Eliot as well as in the Grail literature.
Disinfolklore.net which Putin, Trump, Johnson (and all of England's recent unelected Brexit leaders) traffic in is concerned with lies.
Etymologically "truth" corresponds to what "is. That which exists, is positive and not illusory."
"Rtá" is opposed to "drúh" in the ancient Indian Vedic language.
"Arta" is opposed to "druj" in the ancient Iranian Avestan language.
The idea and form of the signifier "Art" as that which is created which reveals truth stems from this.
In the language of Darius's inscriptions, drauga, the "lie," is essentially the attitude of rebels, of usurpers or potential usurpers who deceive the people by pretending to he "king" in place of Darius himself (Darius I (522–486 bce) founded the Achmenaid Empire that ruled Judea, Greece, and other lands for 300 years).
The second of the six criteria by which we can determine if trolling is positive, negative or neutral is "ethical discipline."
Lies violate this criterion.
Trump, Johnson and Putin are Negative trolls.
And because of this, they will lose everything.
By holding Trump to account America can avoid becoming a Waste Land.
Ukraine is turning Russia into a Waste Land.
Meanwhile afflicted by Brexit lies and pestilence England's refusal to hold its lying leaders to account in the courts is turning England into a Waste Land.
England needs to follow the lead of its erstwhile colony America and face up to this truth.