Sleeping Beauty in a Coffin
Færytale Beginning III: Counter Disinfolklore ~ Controlling War Magic
It is a noted phenomenon which Counter Disinfolklore will use for our benefit that we can switch between the macro (the Russian state) operating in coercive control governance mode to the micro (how Russian army bridge trolls controlling access and egress from the bridge used inducing terror to achieve their goals).
Regardless of which domain on this spectrum that Russian Disinfolklore was operating against and inside, immanent in its strategic trolling were meanings that amounted to the same coercive control techniques for terrorising the people over whom they had power.
This specific model of power exercise through Coercive Control permeates all Russian interrelationships at the micro- (within the family), meso- (within organizations), and macro- (in politics) levels. In the activities and rhetoric of the Nordic Russian troll king Putin himself the micro (Putin’s grievance-mining, ultimatum-legislating rhetoric often embodied the stance of the wounded wife-beater) and the macro (almost every time he spoke Putin accused some country or other of tricking Russia and of humiliating it as a justification for engaging in threats or violence against those states) often fused.
In June of 2023 troll monarch Putin made a speech to a gathering of Russian propagandists in which he listed at least twelve moments in recent Russian history when, according to Putin, he had been betrayed by another country: 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
There is a comic element in someone who represents himself as a monarch of Solomonesque wisdom being, according to their own account, fooled so repeatedly. There is also a sinister (“sinister” semantically translates as “left”) aspect to it.
The Mana in such grievance mining nonsense, we should become aware, is very effective in connecting, emotionally, with certain kinds of personalities (who are high on the neurotic psychological spectrum) who themselves feel victimised by the world. Such obsessive grievance-mining is also, almost always, a pretext to threatening or executing harms upon those who are being accused of such invented betrayals.
For example, in February 2022, as international lawyers looking for evidence of the intention (mens rea) to genocide Ukraine have noted Putin likened Ukraine to a Dead Woman:
“‘Like it or not, take it, my beauty,’ a reference to a vulgar Russian rhyme about necrophiliac rape, implying an intention to inflict similar destruction on Ukraine and a view of Ukraine as a corpse.”1
The “vulgar Russian rhyme” Putin was referencing has obvious Disinfolklore connotations. It comes from a Soviet-era Russian band called “Red Mold.” The exact song lyric is:
“Sleeping beauty in a coffin, I crept up and f**ked her. Like it, or dislike it, sleep my beauty.”
One-and-a-half-million Ukrainians had permanently escaped Russia-occupied Ukraine from March 2014, often with just the clothes on their back. I worked with many of these internally displaced people. My favourite, most competent and trust-worthy translators were those who had left their lives (and in some cases their families) behind them in Russia-occupied Ukraine. They understood that remaining in Russia-occupied Ukraine would mean either compromising their values as modern Europeans or suffering torture, death, unjust detention, or worse. They understood, given Ukraine’s experience during its occupation by Russia during Soviet times, that there is no way to live freely when Russia is occupying your land. I could be, relatively speaking, confident that having lost everything because of Russia’s invasion, that such colleagues were not paid Russian agents trying to manipulate the contents of my reports into pro-Russia sentiment…
Continued from:
For orientation purposes: this is where we are now:
First in series:
“An Independent Legal Analysis of the Russian Federation’s Breaches of the Genocide Convention in Ukraine and the Duty to Prevent” (