Ways of Seeing Disinfolklore I
Disinfolklore is a many-sided method for parsing incoming and outgoing trolls.
⚡️Disinfolklore is the first universal method for identifying, countering, and withstanding information manipulations.
Disinfolklore cuts through Disinformation and Misinformation, in every arena, off- and on-line.
By conceiving of trolls as any informational unit, Disinfolklore provides a six-point algorithm - the Code of Positive Trolls - that enables us to recognise and to build resilience to being manipulated.
Proof any and every incoming troll against the six elements in the Code of Positive Trolls (Generosity, Rightness, Tolerance, Energy / Mana / Joyous Perseverance, Focus and Insight), and you will be sure to recognise Russian brainwashing stories at first sight. Before Ruschist War Magic even sneaks into your mind.
Assess any counter measures you’re contemplating by asking which (if any) of the Code of Positive Trolls’s six precepts, your potential counter Disinfolklore memes harmonises with.
If it’s consistent with all six criteria in the Code of Positive Trolls®️, then you’re trafficking in Counter Disinfolklore. Carry on.
Build mental resilience to falling for Negative Trolls, by using the Code to determine the quality of an incoming or outgoing troll as being Positive, Negative, or Neutral.
Beat Post Modernism (truth is just a mobile army of metaphors) and Hyper Modernism’s firehose of falsehood, with a universally applicable set of rules to distinguish Positive, from Neutral, from Negative memes.
The Disinfolklore analytical method can be used against any form of data.
Yet, it is specifically designed to counteract paleo-conservative manipulations, whether in the guise of Russian Combat Propaganda, Trump-Brexit denialism, or War Magic (memes that persuade us that causes are effects - eg. that Russia’s invasion is not the cause of its occupation of Ukraine and every negative output of that brutal war against Right).
⚡️If we want to understand the Ruschist, we must examine carefully their Disinfolklore.
Doing so will help us construct Counter Disinfolklore.
Understand from where Ruschia’s next threats against us will emanate.
Gets us into their minds / heads - much what their Disinfolklore reveals is unconscious to them. Yet, infinitely valuable to us.
For example, Ruschist Disinfolklore’s portrayal of America/the West as a fickle, self-interested, unreliable partner of Ukraine inspires Ruschia to continue a war which will inevitably lead to Ruschia’s retreat from 100% of Ukraine.
The longer Ruschia remains in Ukraine, the more Ruschia is destroying itself.
It’s hilarious (yet tragic for Ukrainians today who are suffering as a result of this strategy) that Ruschia cannot see the Real USA is playing a role and drawing Ruschia further and further on to self-negation.
Much of what Ruschist Disinfolklorists like head of RT do is accidental- they try many things, amplify everything, return to same trolls.
By the only measure of success - does it help Ruschia win on the battlefield- Ruschia’s Disinfolklore fails them.
They watch the chaos their Disinfolklore creates in the minds of their chosen adversaries with relish. Disinfolklore is always ungenerous. Russian Disinfolklore’s joy at others’ suffering seems like a win to them.
But Ruschia only prolongs its own suffering by provoking suffering in others’ minds.
⚡️Ruschia’s attack on NATO states will look as unusual / abnormal as attempt to assassinate Fico.
Ruschia needs deniability. We saw a trial-run with Ruschia’s destruction of Nordstream. It’s one of Ruschia’s reveals to shoot itself (or those who served Ruschia loyally) in the foot then look for sympathy, cast aspersions on others through the Firehose of Falsehood (Too Much, and Never Enough Disinfolklore), then sing about the grief.
Ruschia’s war against NATO began years ago. We need to reconceptualise war to recognise Ruschia’s fingerprints in every community that’s, suddenly, tearing itself apart over migrants, for example. Ruschian linguists and journalists have been studying a module called Combat Propaganda for decades. Just because a me sourced in Ruschia concerns a trivial matter in our info-space doesn’t mean it’s not part of the fulfilment of Ruschia’s objective to dominate and destroy our communities.
⚡️I noticed that of their Disinfolklore in Russia-occupied Ukraine, the Russians were creating a fake identity inside the minds of Ukrainians stuck there.
True folklore is organic bottom up: Ruschia took this phenomenon and created its own identity-forming Disinfolklore.
This prepared Ukrainians in Ruschia occupied Ukraine to offer themselves up to die for Russia after the full—scale invasion.
This is Ruschia’s model of warfare. I see in what Ruschia did in Ruschia-occupied Ukraine between 2015-2022 a Family Resemblance to the division Ruschia is provoking inside western and Central European countries.
Disinfolklore is being used to establish a paleo-conservative white male Hand Maid’s tale where women don’t control their own bodies.
This so-called Cultural War taken up by oligarch funded self-appointed “conservatives” everywhere is mainly the emanation of Russian (and Russia adjacent oligarchs everywhere) Disinfolklore.
The goal is the same as it is in Ruschia-occupied Ukraine: creation of soldiers Ruschia will use in meat assaults, Cultural annihilation, slavery, impoverishment, and mass death.
Ruschia’s Disinfolklore model has already been unleashed.
Thank you 🫡🇺🇦